Podcasts & conferences I've spoken at
August 25th, 2021
I haven't done a great job of tracking these, so this list is non-comprehensive. I'll try to keep it updated. If you only listen to one, I recommend the talk I gave at Config (which is highlighted).
- Devon Zuegel, creator of GitHub Sponsors (Aug 2021) – Sourcegraph podcast
- Cities with Devon Zuegel (June 2021) – Metamuse podcast
- The City Guide to Open Source (Feb 2020) – a talk for Config, Figma's conference
- The making of GitHub Sponsors (Nov 2019) – Changelog podcast
- There and back again: Through the realms of open source software (May 2019) – a talk for GitHub Satellite
- GitHub Sponsors and Open Source (July 2019) – Grey Mirror podcast
- GitHub Sponsors: A new way to contribute to open source (May 2019) – the keynote where I announced GitHub Sponsors, the product I founded
- Crypto and the Evolution of Open Source (Aug 2018) – a16z video series
- Cryptonetworks and Decentralization—Building Blocks (July 2018) – a16z podcast
- Cities as a Superpower (June 2018) – baby's first podcast
- Reclaiming your sanity: Webpack and Ethereum smart contracts with Typescript (May 2018) – Typescript conf, baby's first conference talk
Also I host two podcasts of my own, too:
- Tools & Craft is a series of conversations with the designers, engineers, and inventors who are shaping computing as we know it
- Order Without Design is a podcast I host with my friends Alain and Marie-Agnes Bertaud, who've led an adventurous life together working as urban planners and living in dozens of cities around the world.
Keep in touch!